Data-Driven Education

Data-Driven Education

Our upcoming tutorial at KDD-2015  will present the novel data-driven education technologies under development and testing.

Data-Driven Education
Rakesh Agrawal
21st ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, August 2015


The recent improvements in bandwidth and connectivity have enabled enormous improvement in the speed and quality of communication among participants in the education echosystem. It makes it possible to connect students to great teachers of their choice and to other students who are compatible with their level of preparedness and learning temperament. One can choose what one learns and at what pace and in what order and self-assess the understanding of the material through personalized quizzes and tests. At the same time, it becomes feasible to measure student comprehension in real time and adjust the material presented to students to achieve higher levels of competency. Continuous feedback on learning outcomes and subject matter mastery also allows rapid evolution toward the most effective educational material and pedagogical methods.

Given the above emergent educational landscape, this tutorial aims to introduce the attendees to the novel data-driven education technologies under development and testing. The topics to be covered include:

  • Inferring learning units and dependence between them from current educational material, yielding a knowledge graph that provides the core data structure for organizing and navigating learning experiences
  • Enriching the knowledge graph with rich content in multiple formats mined from the web as well as expert-sourcing
  • Personalized learning plans based on explicit student preferences as well as recommendation based on aggregation of past navigations through the knowledge graphs
  • Overlaying the knowledge graph with social graph of students and teachers to allow dynamic formation of classes and study groups with the goal of maximizing overall learning
  • Open research problems

Bibtex Entry:

title={Data-Driven Education},
author={Rakesh Agrawal},
booktitle={21st ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining},
address={Sydney, Australia},
note={Also, Data Insights Laboratories Technical Report TR-2015-006, June 2015}